Jacques Torres: 7 Halloween Treats That Put the Usual Candy to Shame

Some Are Spooky. All Taste Good.

Trick-or-treating used to bring stacks of assorted treats.

Fun-size candy bars, peanut butter cups, Skittles, Starbursts, M&Ms, gummy bears, those assorted and colorful Tootsie Rolls…

All welcome additions to your pillow case, minus a random box of raisins from that one psychopath down the block.

But now, your trick-or-treating days are over. Fortunately, you’re an adult, so you can buy whatever you damn well please. Like these over-the-top options.

Spooky Halloween Bonbons
This 12-pack of bonbons is like your typical Valentine’s Day box of chocolates, except each item is individually decorated with skulls and bats and ghosts—three of the least romantic chocolate adornments. But still, give this to someone you care about (even if that someone is you), not the random kids ringing your doorbell. Jacques Torres, $49

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