Lisa Steele: 13 Creative and Practical Chicken Coop Interior Ideas

Essentials your coop needs—plus simple ways to make it fun for you and your flock!

So, you built your own chicken coop, or perhaps you converted a cute garden shed that’s a ringer for a tiny home. Now it’s time to outfit the inside with all the essentials your flock needs to make them feel at home. While there are a few non-negotiables (ventilation, roosting bars, nesting boxes), many of the aesthetic choices are up to you. It’s okay to keep it simple, but don’t be afraid to have fun with it either.

“The nicer you make your coop look, the more time you’re going to want to spend there, and it’s just going to be a more pleasant experience with your chickens,” says Lisa Steele, a fifth-generation chicken keeper, host of APT’s CreateTV series Welcome to My Farm, and author of the FreshEggsDaily blog as well as the book Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens…Naturally.

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